Blog #2 Where did the American Dream come from?
This week when we were told to read the introduction of "The Making and Persistence of the American Dream," I found myself rereading it a lot. The information was interesting and all, but jeez they threw out so many dates and names at us. There was a particular section that stuck out to me when I read it that I realized would be perfect to write about for this blog post. On page 7 or so of the introduction chapter, I came across a paragraph that talked about a possibly explanation as to why the American Dream persists after so much time even though so much has happened in that time frame. What I found interesting was this quote that I'll share: "Instead of questioning the American Dream, Americans are more likely to blame themselves when things do not turn out as they hoped." What I find so interesting is that the American Dream is something that is so well known that people trust it that much even tough it's not even concrete idea. The America...